Clubs & Activities

Divine Child High School offers 40 different co-ed clubs and activities ranging from student council, quiz bowl and yearbook to German Club, Faith in Action Team (FIAT), robotics, medical club and more. Many clubs achieve regional or state level success each year — our esports team has won a national championship! With so many clubs and sports for our students, there is something for everyone at Divine Child. 

Academic Quiz Bowl Team

The Divine Child Quiz Bowl team competes against other schools from around the state in answering questions that cover the whole range of high school subjects. Team meetings are in room 105 on Mondays at 2:45 pm. Please feel free to join us for these meetings, even if you have never been before. Our tournaments are on Saturdays throughout the year, and successful teams compete in a state championship tournament. We’re always excited to welcome new members!

Art Club/Open Studio

Art club is every Thursday after school until 5 pm.  Students of all skill levels are encouraged to explore the Fine Arts. Art club is open to all DC students regardless if they are currently enrolled in an art course. The allotted time can be used to learn new skills or simply serve as an extension of studio time. Members are not obligated to stay the entire time and will always have an art teacher on hand to work with.

Astronomy Club

Astronomy has been of interest to humans since ancient times as it is the oldest natural science. Humans have a natural draw to the stars and the moon and this goes for DC students too. Astronomy club will meet weekly to teach students about the stars and planets and then use our knowledge to observe them. This club will engage students in the science of space and astronomy in fun and exciting ways.

Book Club

Do you enjoy reading? Do you want to start reading again? Then, the DC book club is for you. This club aims to inspire a love for reading in its members, discussing a diverse range of literature, while eating cookies and nerding out about books. We meet monthly after school on Wednesdays to have cozy conversations about our current book. Everyone is welcome at the DC book club.

Campus Ministry Opportunities

Faith in Action Team (FIAT)
Join the Faith In Action Team (FIAT) Leadership Students in helping to organize, plan and execute Campus Ministry programming that engages the school community in the faith and leads everyone to an encounter with Jesus. All students are invited to participate on one or more of the following teams: Community Life, Catechesis and Evangelization, Prayer and Worship, Advocacy, Justice and Service.

FIAT Justice and Service Component
The FIAT Justice and Service Component will invite students on this campus to be Christ to the world through service. Responding to the needs of our local community, students will be invited to serve in concrete ways.

Pro-Life FIAT Club
Prolife FIAT Club We are dedicated to advancing the truth that all human life is sacred. This means we swim against the tide of current opinion that says the value of life is based on its usefulness, what John Paul II called a “culture of death.” Campus Ministry sponsors regular events throughout the school year that are rooted in our pro-life worldview.

Classical Society

The Classical Society is a student-guided organization which furthers the field of classical studies beyond Latin class. Among the most popular events are movie screenings, Roman food, and games in Latin. The Classical Society also sponsors trips to universities twice per year, including The University of Michigan's Latin Day. Further, the Classical Society contributes to the Catholic mission of the school by organizing trips to Latin Mass and with study of the Vulgate. Much of what we do is to deepen our knowledge of the ancient world, and explore how the ancient world manifests itself in our modern society. We meet every other week from September through June.

Culinary Arts Club

Attention all culinary enthusiasts! The purpose of the Culinary Arts Club is to provide an environment for students to socialize, be creative, practice the applied art of cooking, and have fun! Students prepare food and enjoy eating the results! This is a student-led club that meets most first Thursdays of the month in the Foods room (we meet until March). Lets get baking/cooking!

DC FIRST Robotics Team

Do you like earning a college scholarship, solving challenges, remote controlled robots, game strategy, building, programming, community outreach, building business skills, competing, and having fun? FIRST Robotics has something for everyone to discover and love! Join Divine Child Robotics Falcons Team 8179!

DC Inkwell Literary Magazine

Inkwell is debuting as a twice-yearly, student-guided literary magazine meant for the Divine Child community. Entries include a curated selection of poetry, short stories, art, and photography done by students to showcase their creative talents. Club members gain access to insights into the publishing world and the editing process to aid them in their future endeavors. Field trips to poetry readings, plays, book signings, and other creative cultural events are in the works. The club meets once every two weeks in Room 115 after school.

Diversity Club

The Diversity Club is dedicated to the education of its members and our Divine Child community. The purpose is to provide exposure to and raise awareness of the value of collaborating with people of different races, cultures, ethnicities, and beliefs. Aware of the unique dignity of each person, we hope to look at our differences through the lens of faith.

Divine Child for UNICEF

UNICEF, or the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, is dedicated to advocating for children's rights and assisting them in meeting their basic needs and giving them opportunities to reach their full potential.This club is dedicated to fundraising throughout the year while providing students with opportunities to serve the most vulnerable. We’re seeking students who are ready to become leaders in serving their community. What qualifications are needed? Simply a dedicated student ready to take on challenges to support their community.

Drama/Theatre Club - International Thespian Society (I.T.S)

The activities are open to any student interested in theatre. Students will be considered “apprentices” until 10 honor points are achieved. These can be earned by involvement in productions, workshops, field trips, and social activities. Students must participate in a minimum of five activities to be in the society. Inducted Thespians assume leadership roles as officers, liaisons to the Michigan Educational Theater Association of the Dearborn Area Theater Association, as well as the ability to compete for scholarships and awards. Students can also elect to participate in the drama club and only participate in 3 activities. Meetings will be Thursday afternoons.

Environmental Club

The DCHS Environmental Club exists to improve the environmental quality of our lives by educating, encouraging and providing resources for people to become better stewards of the environment. In doing so, we are creating a more environmentally friendly school, community and world.


DC esports is one of the first high school teams in the nation to be fully backed and supported by the school and administration. We meet twice weekly in person (Tuesday and Thursday after school), as well as online for weekly tournaments. Students learn about teamwork, communication, and strategy all while playing a game they love. Current teams: Mario Kart, Overwatch, Rocket League, Splatoon, Super Smash Bros, and Valorant. 

Ethics Bowl Team

The Ethics Bowl Team engages in a debate-style discussion of ethical conundrums, encouraging students to practice civil discourse around problems in ethics. The team will utilize study of foundational ethical philosophy and gospel values to see multifaceted approaches and solutions to unclear ethical problems. This team will compete a couple times per year against other schools in teams, and will meet once per week.

Feed the Hungry Club

Does hunger in our community concern you? We work with local organizations to provide food to feed the hungry. Whether we make the food here and deliver it to the organization, fundraise to help a hunger cause or collect food for a local food pantry, our mission is to help feed those in need.

Finance Club

We provide first hand experience using the Stock Market Game and InvestWrite. We plan to attend Detroit Economic Club meetings and other networking opportunities. We are proud participants of the Career Readiness Academy. Our members also intern and apprentice in the Dearborn area public, private and nonprofit ventures. 2022-2023 was our inaugural year as members of Key Club which promotes community outreach and leadership skills. All of these activities provide scholarship opportunities to our members totaling over 80 million dollars from the organizations listed above.

German Club

This club is designed to expose students to the German, Austrian, and Swiss cultures with many different activities, including a trip to Frankenmuth, German cooking, German game day, and much more! Meetings are every other Thursday after school in room 116B.

Inside The Flock

Inside the Flock's mission is to promote Divine Child's events and student activities through creativity and member led projects. We highlight the accomplishments and initiatives within our student body by broadcasting them to the falcon community. These productions represent an inside view of what it means to attend and be a part of Divine Child High School.

Link Crew

Link Crew is our high school transition program that welcomes freshmen and makes them feel comfortable throughout the first year of their Divine Child High School experience. As positive role models, our well-trained junior and senior Link Crew Leaders are mentors and student leaders who guide the freshmen to discover what it takes to be successful during the transition to high school and help facilitate freshman success. Link Crew also sponsors monthly activities for the freshmen including Tailgate, Halloween Bash, Pre-Thanksgiving Activity and many more. If you're a current sophomore or junior and want to help make a positive impact, be on the lookout for the application process in February!

Medical Club

This club is designed for students interested in the health and medical professions with a focus on service opportunities.

National Honor Society (NHS)

Juniors and seniors are invited by the faculty to join NHS. A student is chosen on the basis of a 3.7 cumulative GPA and demonstrated leadership, service, and good character. NHS meets one Wednesday a month.

NBA Fantasy Club

NBA Fantasy Club is low-key, low investment, and a lot of fun! Whether you have played sports in the past or not, it does not matter. NBA Fantasy is easy to learn. You do not need to know about NBA players. You do not need to know about basketball. This is a competitive and fun activity. Let’s see who will take the title this year!

Origami Club

Origami is the art of paper folding that can be enjoyed as a leisure activity. The artform also has practical applications in the engineering and medical fields. Join the Origami Club to fold decorative, intricate, and fun origami models. We meet every other Thursday in the Art Room from 2:40 pm to 3:40 pm. All are welcome to fold!

Photography Club

Whether you have a manual camera, automatic, or not, Photography Club will allow you to learn and practice the art of photography, meeting you where you are at, and catered to your desired interests. You will have an opportunity to digitally enhance your personal photos with training and access to Adobe Photoshop. Through this club, and with your photography talents, there may be opportunities for you to share and exhibit photos in Divine Child publications, such as our yearbook and other communications.

Pickleball Club

Pickleball, a sport that is the combination of common sport games you might know, such as, badminton, ping-pong, and tennis. Pickleball is easy to learn and it comes at an affordable price to be competitive while having lots of fun. Look out for new events coming all year long!

Poker Club

Do you think you’ve got a good poker face? Elite in your statistics? Poker club is a place for all students to come and play a classic card game, have fun, and gain skill and knowledge of Texas Hold ‘Em poker.

Puzzle Club

Do you find putting puzzles together relaxing or enjoy the sense of accomplishment after completing a 500 or 1000 piece puzzle? Then join us on the third Thursday of each month for puzzle club! Bring your own you want to work on, or a group puzzle will be provided. Do you prefer sudoku or crossword puzzles? We will have those available too!

Spanish Club

The Spanish Club celebrates the Hispanic culture and promotes interest in the study of Spanish through a variety of experiences, including hosting cultural activities in school, attending events in the community, and completing service opportunities. All students are welcome! 

Stage Crew

Stage Crew meets on Thursday evenings to design, build and paint sets for plays and musicals. Crew members have the chance to learn and be a part of the “behind the scene” aspect of the theatre program. From manning the light or sound board, to moving sets, Stage Crew makes sure each show runs smoothly and provides the actors the environment to perform our fabulous productions year after year.

Student Council

The Student Council is a group of young men and women chosen by their respective classes to represent them as a voice for the entire student body. The council conducts various school, social, community and service projects and activities. Elections are held in the spring for the following year’s council. Freshmen elections are held in November.

Technology & Robotics Club

The DC Tech & Robotics Club (DCTR) is for students interested in robotics or engineering. Our main focus is in robotics but we also investigate other areas of technology and engineering. We do a variety of projects and also compete in the Square One Innovative Vehicle Design Competition. Meet Tuesday and Friday 2:30 pm to 4 pm.

Time to Unwind Club

Do you like to knit, crochet, sew or quilt? Do you want to learn any of these creative skills? Join us for Time to Unwind, the DC club for fiber arts. All are welcome. No experience required. We meet twice a month from September to May.

Varsity Club

Our mission is to embody and model the very essence of what it is to be a Varsity team member throughout the Divine Child High School community, within the competitive environment, and whenever the opportunity to demonstrate good citizenship. It doesn’t matter if you do not have the skill sets initially, a Varsity member is an individual who has been willing to do the hardest work, collaborate with others, and strive towards a common goal to achieve success. MENTOR, MODEL, AND SERVE.

Wellness Club

Our focus is on cultivating mental wellness, mental health awareness, and mental health education. We want to help battle the stigma around mental illness and provide all individuals a safe place to feel loved and supported. Overall wellness is important to our health. Our club's focus will include an all-encompassing approach to health and wellness.

DCHS Student Memberships

Mich. Interscholastic Forensics Association

Nat'l. Assoc. Sec. Schools

Mich. Assoc. of Student Councils - Mich. Assoc. of Honor Society

Michigan Math League - Mich. HS Athletic Association

Dearborn Area Theatre Association

Michigan Educational Theatre Assoc.

International Thespian Society

Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica

National Scholastic Press Association

Columbia Scholastic Press Association

National Speech and Debate Association